
Angels, Robbie Willians

I sit and wait.

Does an angel contemplate my fate?

And do they know

The places where we go

When we're grey and old?

'Cos I've been told

That salvation lets their wings unfold.

So when I'm lying in my bed,

Thoughts running through my head,

And I feel that love is dead,

I'm loving angels instead.

And through it all she offers me protection,

A lot of love and affection,

Whether I'm right or wrong.

And down the waterfall

Wherever it may take me,

I know that life won't break me.

When I come to call, she won't forsake me,

I'm loving angels instead.

When I'm feeling weak,

And my pain walks down a one-way street.

I look above,

And I know I'll always be blessed with love,

And as the feeling grows,

She breathes flesh to my bones,

And when love is dead

I'm loving angels instead.

And through it all she offers me protection,

A lot of love and affection,

Whether I'm right or wrong.

And down the waterfall

Wherever it may take me,

I know that life won't break me.

When I come to call, she won't forsake me,

I'm loving angels instead.

Fate = destino
Grey = canoso
'Cos = Abreviatura informal coloquial de because, porque.
I've been told = Me han dicho ( Obs! en voz pasiva)
Wings = alas
To unfold = desplegar
To lie = En este caso significa encontrarse, estar, yacer. No debe confundirse con el verbo to lay, que significa poner, tender. Para aprender las diferencias, vea Lay or Lie?
Thought = pensamiento
Instead = en vez de, en cambio
Through = a través de
Waterfall = cascada
Wherever = dondequiera que
To forsake = traicionar, abandonar
Weak = débil. Antónimo strong, fuerte.
Pain = dolor
A one-way street = una calle de un solo sentido, de un sentido único, de una sola mano
To bless = bendecir
Feeling = en este caso sentimiento (tb gerundio del verbo to feel, sintiendo)
To grow = en este caso crecer, aumentar (tb puede significar cultivar)
Flesh = carne
Bones = huesos

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