
Beware of false friends

False friends are pairs of words in two languages that look and/or sound similar, but differ in meaning.

The following list is a sampler of (more or less) commonly missused words:

Actually = de hecho, en realidad / Actualmente = nowadays
Advertisement = anuncio / Advertencia = warning
Advice = consejo / Aviso = notice
Agenda = orden del día / Agenda = diary
Argument = discusión / Argumento = plot
To assist = ayudar / Asistir = to attend
Carpet = alfombra / Carpeta = folder
Character = personaje / Carácter = personality
Collar = cuello / Collar = necklace
Conference = congreso / Conferencia = lecture
Constipated = estreñido / Constipado = cold (estar constipado = to have a cold)
Crime = delito / Crimen = murder
Deception = engaño / Decepción = dissapointment
Diversion = desvío / Diversión = fun
Education = enseñanza / Educación = politeness
Exit = salida / Éxito = success
Extravagant = derrochador / Extravagante = eccentric or odd
Fault = culpa, defecto / Falta = mistake
Gracious = cortés / Gracioso = funny
To ignore = no hacer caso / Ignorar = not to know
To intend = proponerse / Intentar = to try
Large = grande / Largo = long
Lecture = conferencia / Lectura = reading
Library = biblioteca / Librería = bookshop
Luxury = lujo / Lujuria = lust
Misery = tristeza / Miseria = poverty
Motorist = conductor de coche / Motorista = motorcyclist
Notice = anuncio, aviso / Noticia = news
Parents = padres / Parientes = relatives
Petrol = gasolina / Petróleo = oil
To pretend = fingir, simular / Pretender = to mean, to intend
To prove = demostrar / Provar, catar = to try (on), to taste
To realise = darse cuenta / Realizar = to carry out
To resume = reanudar / Resumir = to summarise
Scholar = estudioso / Escolar = student
Sensible = sensato / Sensible = sensitive
Stranger = forastero / Extranjero = foreigner
To support = apoyar, mantener / Soportar = To stand or to put up with
Sympathetic = compasivo / Simpático = nice, funny
To succeed = tener éxito, lograr / Suceder = to happen or to take place
Topic = tema / Tópico = cliché

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